Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Novella Reservoir

Closing out the week with some Doom/Death Metal. Novembers Doom are one of the longer running USA Doom/Death outfits. Formed in 89, the band has released eight records, each seeming to outdo the last one. Fronted by Paul Kuhr, whose vocal styling reflect both the growling and the clean, takes the listener on a journey through the lyrics. Paul who also has done artwork for bands in the past, also fronts a band called These Are They. Novembers Doom are somewhat of your traditional Doom/Death band, with the exception that the music isn't always so damned slow as it is with some bands. There's some headbanging to be done here and lots of it. The last few records have been superb, especially with 'Aphotic', but I'm going with 2007's 'The Novella Reservoir'. For me this is a heavy and emotional record. And I mean damn heavy. Give a listen to the albums opener "Rain" and you'll see what I mean. There is an accompanying book to the album as well called 'The Wayfaring Chronicles', which details the bands past albums in depth and provides lyrics and insights to the band. An updated version has been released since via iTunes. This is a very underrated band in my book and worth checking out.

I found this band a few years back when I was doing some street team work for their label, The End Records. The End used to have an amazing roster, before going off into god only knows why land. Anyways, the label sent me a copy of their album 'The Pale Haunt Departure'. Solid album, but wasn't really a fan. I've never really embraced Doom Metal. For me it's to slow at times and makes me wanna sleep. Now not saying there aren't some great bands out there in that genre. But I decided to dust of 'Pale Haunt' after sometime and I actually found myself enjoying it more and more. By then 'The Novella Reservoir' had come out and I really enjoyed what I had heard. Like I said lyrically this band is great, I think it drives the music. Last few albums have been nothing short of stellar and hoping to see lots more.

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