Friday, September 28, 2012


Little late getting this post up, but there's nothing new there. Going with something a little out of my norm here and posting some pop rock. This is not your average guitarist either. In fact you can probably add her to the list of amazing female guitarist. I of course am talking about Orianthi. Odd name, cute girl who can shred like no ones business. If the name sounds familiar, good. She's gotten a lot of attention of late. Most notably for being Michael Jackson's guitarist for his final concert movie. Since then she's played with the like of Carrie Underwood and more recently Alice Cooper and Dave Stewart. Not a bad resume for a young guitarist. When not touring with bands or solo, Orianthi has released two albums and an iTunes EP. I've uploaded the second album 'Believe' which features her most well known cuts 'According To You' and 'Highly Strung' which features guitar master Steve Vai. The album is a mix of pop and rock. It's a nice mix and the album is a good one overall. Make no mistake the girl knows her way around a guitar. Definitely worth a listen.

I found Orianthi via the song 'According To You' it was a staple on just about every radio station from rock to Top 40. The pop side of things isn't normally my thing, but with the influx of great young female guitarists and bassists cropping up I decided to give the rest of the catalog a listen. Her playing is superb, there's really no other way to describe it. And come on she's in Alice Coopers band currently. Great musician who's worked with a lot of big names and defiantly has a bright future ahead of her.

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